Matching words and deeds

Walking the Talk

Read Walking the Talk's founder Carolyn Taylor and Executive Director Amanda Fajak recent interview with Implenia's Employee Magazine focussing on values and culture.

Organisational values and culture

Read interview


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Value Creation Through Talent White Paper

Value Creation Through Talent White Paper

We are excited to share with you our latest thought leadership piece, co-authored by ZRG’s Angela Hamilton and Charles Rohaut, in
Webinar: Client Case Study - Vestas

Webinar: Client Case Study - Vestas

We are excited to invite you to a special webinar that will showcase the impact of cultural transformation on business results at our
How to Create a Culture of Innovation

How to Create a Culture of Innovation

Innovation is a much overused and misused term in business. Fundamentally, the end game of innovation is to provide new products, services,