Edgar Schein (1928 – 2023)

Walking the Talk

Walking the Talk is saddened to hear of the recent passing of Edgar Schien, a true pioneer and inspirational colleague in the field of organisational culture. 

Edgar Schein’s contribution to the field of organisational culture is unquestionable and his work introduced people all over the world to the importance of culture to sustain business results.

A graduate of the University of Chicago, Harvard and Stanford, and a former academic at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Professor Shien was often hailed as the ‘Godfather of cultural thinking’ due to his progressive research and contributions in the fields of organisational culture.  

In the 1990s when our founder Carolyn Taylor first started offering culture services, Edgar Schein was the leading light on cultural thinking. Knowing that someone at Harvard thought that organizational culture was a field of merit and make a difference to business results was an inspiration. His work spurred on Carolyn’s commitment to culture and her ground-breaking work on developing the models that became the foundation for the Walking the Talk methodology.  

Walking the Talk would like to share our condolences to his family, friends, students and colleagues at this sad time.


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