Agile cultures: Start small and build momentum

Amanda Fajak
Despite our human craving for stability, the world is only becoming more uncertain (52% of companies on the Fortune 500 since 2000 have either gone bankrupt, been acquired, or ceased to exist – Innosight). In this environment, companies who are truly agile and put the customer at the centre of their strategy and operations will maintain and grow market share, reduce costs, attract and retain the best talent, and futureproof themselves to continue competing in an increasingly challenging world.
We talk a lot about mindsets, and we’re fully aware that changing them isn’t easy. There is no big bang, or magic wand. The key thing is to start small, with practical 
behavioural experiments that build habits that then start to shift patterns of thinking. For example, could you start each meeting by talking about a customer/s, or their problems? That way you can use an activity you are already doing (having the meeting), and by behaving differently you are signalling a shift in mindset towards putting the customer at the centre. 
Over time, and with enough behavioural experiments across the four critical mindsets (customer-centricity, empowerment, experimentation, collaboration) you need to have, you will start to see your company change. It doesn’t happen overnight, but if you really put the customer at the heart of everything you do, commit to what that entails, role model from the top, and practice it every day, your organisation can become agile quicker and easier than you think. This is what our hands-on, experiential, Walking with Agility programme is all about.

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