A new look and feel for Walking the Talk

Carolyn Taylor

Today we launched a new brand look and feel for Walking the Talk.

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11 years ago Walking the Talk was founded by myself, Carolyn Taylor, and my original partner Cristina Nogueira from Brazil. We knew that culture’s impact on performance and employee engagement was much greater than most organisations had been able to quantify, and that focusing directly on improving it would act as a superpower to performance.

We had a dream that every organisation in the world should have a plan to improve their culture and know-how to implement it. We wanted to convert the approach first described in my book Walking the Talk into a series of tools, techniques and processes that could be offered to clients to help them to change their culture through a team of consultants who were trained in those methodologies. We wanted to lift the culture change management capability in the world and make culture change do-able.

We knew that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that by improving the culture in an organisation you lift everyone who works there to become their best self. In many organisations the culture actually brings the worst out of employees and we knew that things could be different. We believed that rather than simply work one by one, leader by leader, if we could change the whole culture we could lift the standards of everyone in it

As we moved into our second decade of growth, we wanted to upgrade our brand to better represent the forward-looking, dynamic and client-performance orientated organisation we have become

Thank you for your interest in our work and please join us in welcoming new and successful adventures in changing culture.

Carolyn Taylor
Founder & Executive Chair

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