

Our latest news and insights

Five Behaviours to Drive Innovation in the Workplace

Innovation is essential to enable your organisation to deliver on your strategy and meet, or exceed, your financial goals. But it can be

How to Create a Culture of Innovation

Innovation is a much overused and misused term in business. Fundamentally, the end game of innovation is to provide new products, services,

The AI supportive mindsets and patterns of behaviour (Video)

Businesses that pay early attention to encouraging the mindsets and patterns of behaviour that support AI adoption will have improved

Is your culture hindering digital transformation?

Walking the Talk’s solutionTo successfully transform in a digital world, businesses need to have certain cultural attributes that are not

The Digital/AI leader of tomorrow is a connected leader

For Walking the Talk’s latest research into cultures for Digital and Artificial Intelligence, we interviewed numerous leaders from many

Empowerment is the key to the digital transformation kingdom

Companies that led successful Digital Transformations realised that they had to empower their employees to be successful in the new world.

Exploding digitally enabled technologies – Survive? Thrive?

C-Suite CHRO recently discussed, as pandemic year of 2020 nears to end, how they fared with exploding digitally-enabled technologies. Did

Empowerment is the key digital transformation success factor

One of the key cultural attributes of successful digital transformations, which we identified in our recent research on Culture for

Having and holding to clear, aligned principles is critical

Digital Transformation provides the opportunity to create a seamless experience end to end across customers, across products, across

How has your organisation’s purpose shifted in 2020?

How has your organisation’s purpose shifted or changed in the pandemic year of 2020, that saw an exponential rise of digitalisation at

Digital Transformation: It's the whole that matters

To succeed in the AI-powered world, you not only need to be connected, you also need to embrace the greater good for the business and

What is the purpose of the physical workplace in 2021?

What is the purpose of the “physical workplace experience in 2021 and beyond? Here is what Australia’s C Suite CHRO’s think.

The 3 key 'must-haves' for faster digital transformation

Walking the Talk's Lorraine Farah explains what Australia’s C-Suite CHRO’s see as the 3 key 'must-haves' as they move faster towards

Podcast: Cultural readiness for the AI transformations

Walking the Talk's Amanda Fajak recently joined Matt Adler on the Recruiting Future podcast to discuss some of the findings from our recent

A root cause of significant cultural resistance

Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens explains that a root cause of significant cultural resistance is managers and employees using

A digital transformation vision that lifts and inspires

Digital Transformation and AI are more often than not associated with negative outcomes for employees – cost cutting, automation, job

Digital Transformation: A vision to create meaning

Digital Transformation without a clear vision and purpose often ends up in a simple digitalisation process, with manual processes conducted

Digital & AI: What got you here won’t get you there

A reality we all face is that today is different from yesterday and tomorrow will be different from today. What is becoming increasingly

In an AI world transparency increases

In this video, Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens why in an AI world transparency increases because barriers are brought down and

In an AI-empowered world, maintaining control is even harder

Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens explains why in an AI-empowered world, maintaining control is going to be even harder because

Tips from business leaders at the forefront of AI

One of the many challenges for organisations is that the shift to widespread adoption of AI can have consequences in both a reduction in

Culture for AI: The human needs to be placed at the centre

Walking the Talk’s research on the kind of culture required for successful AI implementation has revealed that to be successful, the design

The significant shift we are seeing in culture today (Video)

The significant shift we are seeing in culture today is not a shift away from a focus on achievement and results – this has to remain

Humans need to be at the centre of ai (Video)

In this video, Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens shares one of the key findings from our 2020 research report ‘Is your culture

Why is your digital transformation stalling?

In this video, Walking the Talk's Amanda Fajak explains why organisations can find that their digital transformations are stalling.

Is your business culture AI ready? (Video)

In this video, Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens shares some of the key findings from our 2020 research report ‘Is your culture

Is your culture AI-ready?

At Walking the Talk, we believe that to be successful in an AI-powered world, businesses will need to have certain cultural attributes,

The culture leader of tomorrow

I am seeing a significant shift in organisational culture in response to the VUCA world we live it and the coming-of-age of Digital and

Patterns of an agile culture

There are four distinctive patterns of behaviour of an agile culture – customer-centricity, self-direction, experimentation and

Cracking the agile code

There’s a big difference between implementing an Agile process and having an agile culture.Watch our video to help crack the agile code.

Creating an agile culture for your organisation

After ten years of implementation of Agile by organisations around the world, I’m only seeing mitigated success. Agile takes its roots in

What are the key shifts to create an agile culture?

Creating an agile culture involves fundamentally rethinking how you run your organisation and most organisations that we spoke to in our

Why should you consider agile for your organisation?

Our ability and desire to change as humans, has driven an extraordinary rate of change in particular over the past 10 years. Think of

2 great books for inspiring commercial achievement

An achievement approach can add value to a company by enabling it to differentiate itself from competitors who do not offer the same

4 great books for inspiring learning

Thinking about the future? Looking for a new mindset? Want to adopt a new approach? Want to solve problems better? Here are 4 of Walking

5 great books for inspiring the pursuit of excellence

Thinking about the future? Looking for a new mindset? Want to adopt a new approach? Want to solve problems better? Here are 5 of Walking

7 great books for inspiring continuous Improvement

Thinking about the future? Looking for a new mindset? Want to adopt a new approach? Want to solve problems better? Here are 7 of Walking

8 great books for inspiring giving and receiving feedback

Are you looking to shift your company values? Here are 8 of Walking the Talk’s recommended books on giving and receiving feedback

7 great books for inspiring constructive challenge

Thinking about the future? Looking for a new mindset? Want to adopt a new approach? Want to solve problems better? Here are 7 of Walking

6 great books for inspiring future thinking - collaboration

Thinking about the future? Looking for a new mindset? Want to adopt a new approach? Want to solve problems better?

7 great books for inspiring business generosity

Are you looking to shift your company values and be more giving? Here are 7 of Walking the Talk’s recommended books on corporate

7 great books for inspiring focus

Here are 7 of Walking the Talk's recommended reads for inspiring focus.

What are the traps to avoid when creating an agile culture?

Are you looking to create an agile culture for your organisation? Walking the Talk Executive Director Amanda Fajak explains 3 things to

7 great books for inspiring simplicity

Here are 7 of Walking the Talk's recommended simplicity reads.

2 great books for inspiring risk optimisation

Here are 2 of Walking the Talk's recommended risk optimisation reads.

5 great books for inspiring problem solving with customers

Here are 5 of Walking the Talk's recommended problem solving with customers reads.

3 great books for inspiring empathy with customers

A customer-centric approach can add value to a company by enabling it to differentiate itself from competitors who do not offer the same

3 great books for being market driven

A customer-centric approach can add value to a company by enabling it to differentiate itself from competitors who do not offer the same

6 great books for inspiring openness

Looking for more effective ways to create one-team? The secret is to have shared openness! Here are 3 of Walking the Talk's recommended

5 great books for inspiring holding to account approach

Here are 5 of Walking the Talk's books for inspiring holding to account approach.

3 great books for inspiring responsiveness to customers

A customer-centric approach can add value to a company by enabling it to differentiate itself from competitors who do not offer the same

3 great books for inspiring shared commitment

Looking for more effective ways to create one-team? The secret is to have shared commitment orientation! Here are 3 of Walking the Talk's

8 great books for inspiring innovation

Are you looking to shift your company values and be more giving? Here are 8 of Walking the Talk’s recommended books on innovation.

Future impact of AI on culture

Walking the Talk are pleased to announce the release of our latest White Paper 'Future impact of AI on `culture'.

10 great books on success and achievement

Discover what it takes to achieve your unique definition of success. Here are 10 of Walking the Talk's recommended books on success and

4 great books for inspiring proactivity with customers

Looking for more effective ways to create customer confidence? The secret is to have proactive customer service! Here are 4 of Walking the

6 great books for inspiring customer-centricity

A customer-centric approach can add value to a company by enabling it to differentiate itself from competitors who do not offer the same

10 great books for inspiring future thinking

Thinking about the future? Looking for a new mindset? Want to adopt a new approach? Want to solve problems better? Here are 10 of Walking

How to foster an innovation culture

One of the buzzwords that keep coming back in my discussions with clients and colleagues is innovation. Every organisation wants to be

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