

Our latest news and insights

Five Behaviours to Drive Innovation in the Workplace

Innovation is essential to enable your organisation to deliver on your strategy and meet, or exceed, your financial goals. But it can be

Implementing and Managing your Culture Plan

To turn culture aspiration into reality you need to actively manage your culture, just as you do your other business operations. In this

How does the Taylor Assessment work?

The Taylor Assessment is based on six culture archetypes: Achievement, One-Team, Innovation, Customer-Centric, People-First, and

What makes The Taylor Assessment unique?

Why did we invest in designing the Taylor Assessment for the market? What makes it unique, and why we are excited about the value it can

Why hiring for culture contribution is so important

We have already looked at what The Taylor Assessment is and how it helps with hiring for culture contribution. In this blog we’re going to

Measuring Culture Contribution – Introducing The Taylor Assessment

If you know building the right culture is important for your future business successes, then you know that you need leaders who will

Why do so many culture transformations fail?

Transformation is a significant change in form and function that is irreversible and sustainable, for example turning coal into diamonds.

How to strike the right balance on empowerment

Empowerment is a cultural challenge that we hear from many of our clients. As a leader it can be tricky to find the right balance between

Agile Mindset: It’s all just an experiment

In a previous blog on agility we promised to delve deeper into the four critical mindsets you need to be truly agile. Here we take a look

Agile Mindset – Collaborating to move quicker than your competition

In a previous blog on agility we promised to delve deeper into the four critical mindsets you need to be truly agile. Here we take a look

Agile Mindset: Empowering your people at all levels

In a previous blog on agility we promised to delve deeper into the four critical mindsets you need to be truly agile. Here we take a look

How to help people managers lead culture change

In a previous article regarding the importance of people managers, we looked at why people managers are so critical to culture change. Yet

People managers hold the key to successful culture change

Many culture change programmes focus huge amounts of attention on senior leadership, HR teams, and networks of champions. People managers

Agile Mindset: Putting the customer at the heart of your business

In our previous blog on agility we promised to delve deeper into the four critical mindsets you need to be truly agile. Here we take a

The Risks of Forcing People Back into the Office: Push Vs Pull

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly transformed the way we work, with remote work becoming the new norm for many professionals around

Simple starters for leaders in building an inclusive culture

In our last blog, ‘How to build an inclusive culture’ we looked at the role of behaviours, systems, and symbols in building an inclusive

Navigating the Return to the Office: The Impact on Inclusion

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a seismic shift in the way we work, with remote work becoming the new norm for millions of people

How can you build an inclusive culture?

You may be thinking that building an inclusive culture is a huge task, and you don’t know where to start. The key is to focus on the

Return to the Office: Finding Balance in a Post-Pandemic World

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives were dramatically reshaped as we adapted to remote work. Zoom meetings, virtual collaboration, and

Why is a culture of inclusion so important?

Here we unpack why it’s so important for companies, and the business benefits it will bring to your organisation.

Video: What behaviours drive inclusive cultures?

Watch Walking the Talk's Mairi Doyle talk about what behaviours drive inclusive cultures.

What is an inclusive culture?

Inclusion is rightly a hot topic for organisations looking to change their culture and improve performance. Many companies understand the

Video: What symbols are important for inclusive cultures?

Watch Walking the Talk's Mairi Doyle talk about what symbols are important for inclusive cultures.

Video: Symbolic messages

Watch Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens talk about the importance of symbolic messages in company culture.

Culture Recruiting Report

We are pleased to announce that Walking the Talk have partnered with Hunt Scanlon Media for their 2023 Culture Recruiting Report.

Edgar Schein (1928 – 2023)

Walking the Talk is saddened to hear of the recent passing of Edgar Schien, a true pioneer and inspirational colleague in the field of

Amanda Fajak named in list of Top 50 women leaders

We are proud to announce that Amanda Fajak, Walking the Talk's President of North America, was recently included in Women We Admire's list

Carolyn Taylor to deliver keynote at New York culture conference

We are pleased to announce that Walking the Talk's founder Carolyn Taylor will be the keynote speaker at Hunt Scanlon's forthcoming

Video: ANDRITZ's culture change journey

Watch Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens in conversation with ANDRITZ's culture team on how they defined and embedded a culture of

Dubai Culture Clinics

Carolyn Taylor, Founder and Chairperson of Walking the Talk, recently hosted two exclusive Culture Clinics at ZRG’s new office at the

Webinar: ANDRITZ's culture change journey

Join us on Wednesday, November 16th at GMT 12.00 / CET 13.00 / EST 07.00 for a special webinar when Jerome Parisse-Brassens, Executive

How the pandemic brought questions about purpose at work

In the new corporate scenario, employees must develop a sense of obligation and care about their colleagues and customers so as not to

Podcast: The Lunchtime Series

Walking the Talk's Jerome Parisse-Brassens is the special guest on the latest episode of The Lunchtime Series podcast, where he talks

Culture Conversations: Executive Coaching

Watch Walking the TalkExecutive Director Dr Liz Stanley discuss the pros and cons of executive coaching with Mary Kier, Global

Carolyn Taylor to deliver keynote on culture in New York

We are pleased to announce that Walking the Talk's Carolyn Taylor will be one of the keynote speakers at Hunt Scanlon's forthcoming

The culture leader of tomorrow

I am seeing a significant shift in organisational culture in response to the VUCA world we live it and the coming-of-age of Digital and

How do you build a foundation of trust?

Walking the Talk Executive Director Amanda Fajak explains how you build a foundation of trust.

Four key factors for achieving culture results fast

We all know that changing an organisation’s culture is a long-term game, but a common challenge we hear from clients is how to demonstrate

What does working at the B-level mean?

Learn more about the people responsible for communicating problems and recommendations to the next level of management.

What are the key elements for a culture plan?

What are the key elements that you need to think about when building your culture plan? Walking the Talk Executive Director Jerome

Lion Air Disaster: A Classic Case of Achievement Overused

On October 29, Lion Air’s Flight 610 hurtled nose-first into Indonesian waters at more than 640 km/h with 189 people on board just minutes

Creating an agile culture

Agile culture is about continually finding ways to improve your organisation's approach. Walking the Talk Executive Director Amanda Fajak

Watch Carolyn Taylor explain the importance of Empowerment

Empowering individuals to create the desired outcomes can positively impact the bottom line.Watch Walking the Talk Founder and Executive

MUFG Culture Transformation Case Study

Walking the Talk recently hosted a Culture Clinic in London, where Angus MacGregor, HR Head in EMEA and Securities Internationally at our

How do you define culture and change it?

Learn about Walking the Talk's working definition of culture, and how, by using this definition, you can make culture do-able.

How you spend your time speaks louder than your words

None of us feel we have enough time. It’s a finite resource, and it forces us to make choices. Those choices send signals about what we

How to refresh your organisation's culture efforts

"Refresh"Yesterday I had a conversation with an OD manager who used this word to describe his organisation"s goal in relation to their

Culture as a Management Practice

On February 27th Walking the Talk in Brazil hosted a breakfast session with Walking the Talk co-founder and Executive Chair Carolyn

The top 2 reasons why employees leave

Staff turnover is healthy. You want new blood, new thinking, new approaches to make your business better and richer. But at the same time,

How to Accelerate Culture Change Across the Organisation

One of the most commonly asked questions in my work on culture is how long will the change take? When will we have the culture we need?

Culture Management in a Virtual Team

With more and more organisations giving employees the opportunity to work remotely each year, one of the topics I am frequently asked about

The Unseen Force That’s Shaping Your Culture Every Day

There’s a silent power within your organisation that’s quietly moulding the patterns of behaviour that will determine your culture. A

Culture Management: A systemic view of culture for leaders

Leaders do not operate in a vacuum. They operate in an ecosystem that influences everything they do. Understanding how the ecosystem

What does it take to out-think the competition?

Every day, faced with the same sets of data about their external environment, competitors make different decisions. These decisions will

Culture management: How agile are you?

When I ask teams of executives if they can identify the business imperatives for culture in their organisation, one thing that is often

Culture Change: Getting culture on the strategic agenda

The argument for culture to have a key position on the strategic agenda has never been more compelling.

Culture Management: Creating a culture for safety

At Walking the Talk, we love making explanations and definitions as simple as possible. As such, we define culture as ‘the patterns of

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