Culture Labs Masterclass Events

Walking the Talk

We’re excited to announce a series of exclusive Culture Labs Masterclass events that Walking the Talk is hosting in November. The labs are interactive, experiential, 1-hour online sessions, and are designed to give leaders like yourself thought-provoking insights and actionable tips on how to address key cultural challenges facing organisations today.

Dates and times for the events are:

Assessing talent for culture contribution 

Sign up before Wednesday 4th October for the opportunity of a free personalised assessment (Limited to 20 leaders only).

The recruitment process is one of the key levers you can pull to build the culture you want. However, organisations often struggle with this. At Walking the Talk, we believe we have the answer.
Register here (Places for this session are strictly limited)


Poor cooperation and a lack of clarity and ownership have massive consequences for businesses. Learn practical tips for putting true collaboration and mutual accountability into action.
Register here

Masterclass in agility

Being agile is no longer a choice if you want to survive as a company. We’ll look at the mindsets and behaviours needed, and how to get started with embedding them into your organisation.
Register here

Building a culture plan

Culture change won’t happen without a plan – yet many companies still don’t have one. Set yourself up for success by attending this webinar on how to build yours.
Register here

How do you measure culture

A common challenge facing our clients. We’ll share what you should be measuring, how, and ways to connect culture change to business outcomes for maximum impact.
Register here

You can register your interest in any of the sessions by clicking the links above, or if you would like some more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Harinder Bahrha.

 Walking the Talk

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