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Why do so many culture transformations fail?

Transformation is a significant change in form and function that is irreversible and sustainable, for example turning coal into diamonds.

How to strike the right balance on empowerment

Empowerment is a cultural challenge that we hear from many of our clients. As a leader it can be tricky to find the right balance between

Your role as a leader in culture change

We’ve talked in a previous article about the importance of the leadership shadow on culture change. But we often find leaders don’t

How to help people managers lead culture change

In a previous article regarding the importance of people managers, we looked at why people managers are so critical to culture change. Yet

People managers hold the key to successful culture change

Many culture change programmes focus huge amounts of attention on senior leadership, HR teams, and networks of champions. People managers

The language of accountability

Language is a powerful lever that can be used to transform culture. One could argue that I have built this belief as a trained linguist,

Be-ing agile eats do-ing agile for breakfast

Drucker famously said that culture eats strategy for breakfast, by which he meant that you can have the best strategy in the world but

Tips for encouraging collaboration in a hybrid world

Loss of face-to-face working has made many feel isolated. People who started work during the pandemic and have only worked remotely report

Tips for empowering employees in a hybrid world

Managing productivity and performance from a distance has been difficult for many managers, whilst many employees have appreciated and

Tips for being more caring in a hybrid world

Companies who have shown caring to clients and employees during the pandemic have thrived and have seen positive culture capital built.

Tips for being more courageous in a hybrid world

Most people are operating in unchartered territory in terms of new ways of working. Flexibility, adaptability and vulnerability (i.e. “I

The culture leader of tomorrow

I am seeing a significant shift in organisational culture in response to the VUCA world we live it and the coming-of-age of Digital and

What does working at the B-level mean?

Learn more about the people responsible for communicating problems and recommendations to the next level of management.

What are the key elements for a culture plan?

What are the key elements that you need to think about when building your culture plan? Walking the Talk Executive Director Jerome

Lion Air Disaster: A Classic Case of Achievement Overused

On October 29, Lion Air’s Flight 610 hurtled nose-first into Indonesian waters at more than 640 km/h with 189 people on board just minutes

Global or local culture plan? How to decide

When helping businesses develop healthy, fit-for-purpose cultures, I often get asked whether the organisation should develop a “top-down”

What is the role of HR in culture change?

Recently I spoke to a large group of HR people, and the question came up again, "What is the role of HR in culture change?" This is the

4 characteristics of the most successful teams

We’ve all been part of great teams and not-so-great teams. But have you ever stopped to think at what makes a team great or not? Here’s my

How to discover the corporate culture of your next employer

It’s happened to many of us: we go through a recruitment process, have one or several interviews, ask about the organisation and work

The common mistake organisations make when measuring culture

At Walking the Talk, we often get asked, ‘what’s the best way to measure culture?’

Culture Change: Getting culture on the strategic agenda

The argument for culture to have a key position on the strategic agenda has never been more compelling.

Brexit and culture: What if the EU were a company?

I’m fascinated by the behaviours of people. What we can learn from observing them–especially in organisations. And so I found myself

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