What makes The Taylor Assessment unique?

Carolyn Taylor

Why did we invest in designing the Taylor Assessment to the market? What makes it unique, and why we are excited about the value it can bring to your organization?

Addressing the problem of hiring for culture contribution

One of the biggest challenges our clients face is how to hire and develop the leaders who will shape your culture, which will enable your organization to deliver on its strategy. The people you bring in and promote will determine your success, yet it’s impossible to lead culture if you don't know what good looks like.

Previously, there were no tools available to help organizations make these critical decisions based on objective data, which was connected to their strategic intent and desired culture. Based on our more than 25 years’ experience in the field of culture change, we knew it was possible to be more scientific and specific about the essential ingredient of leadership hiring and development.

What makes the Taylor Assessment unique?

  1. Breadth and depth of knowledge

The tool is based on Walking the Talk’s six cultural archetypes and on 30 underlying ‘anchor’ behaviors, which were created and validated from extensive experience and research working with hundreds of organizations on culture change. The depth and breadth of our data and insights enables an accurate, objective assessment of culture contribution, gives you a wealth of information to have richer conversations and provide better informed, personalised support for candidates and leaders across a range of behaviors, increasing the likelihood you will hire and promote the right people.

  1. Focused on your business outcomes

This tool is specially designed to tackle business issues. It is not a generic assessment tool that would work as well for a university student as it would for an artist or an actor. It speaks business language, and measures business-oriented preferences, such as Empowerment and Commerciality. We help you choose which anchor behaviors will be most important to your business outcomes, and our assessment reports measure and compare against these, This laser-like focus and high level of customisation on your business outcomes will significantly improve your chances of success.

  1. Covers hot topics for organizations

The tool has 28 questions, spanning a wide range of behavioral preferences including many pressing topics for organizations right now, for example, Inclusion, Purpose-Led, and Sustainability, Experimentation, Customer-Orientation, One-Team and Accountability. No other tool is measuring such issues, and in doing so we believe it can fast-track culture change in a way that no other assessment can match.

Excited by the possibilities

We’re delighted to be able to help more clients deliver on their strategy through effective hiring and development based on culture contribution. We also look forward to building the database for the tool, evolving it in line with our experiences, and incorporating feedback from the market.

Download Taylor Assessment Brochure

For insights on culture view our selection of case studiesebooksreports and white papers or contact us to learn how we can transform your culture.


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